Monday, December 29, 2008

Another Concept for Bonking Frog

Hi Ben

I have had a chance to look through the pictures you uploaded and I am very happy!!

There are some fantastic photos, and my brain is now buzzing with ways of using them.

Julie Hutton
Bonking Frogs

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Bonking Frog Wines

Friday, December 12, 2008

Adam & Danute Wedding Montage ( Photobook Desing )

Bikers Passing My House

Some pix to share taken just 10 mins ago. Heard some very very load ROAR!!.. with fumes.. didnt know what hapeen, saw a really really large.. hundreds and hundreds of large bikes passing my house to an event. something to do with passing the teddys to kids for charity event. Just grab my cam and snap away, so, pardon my crappy pix, .. and zero technicallity, just wanna grab some quickie shots.